Friday, July 25, 2008

Suchitoto, El Salvador


onmyplanet said...

What time of day did you take this, and what is the significance of the composition? Was it the light or angles?

All of the photos you are posting are beautiful and interesting. I can't wait to see more so that I can experience or see what you saw vicariously.

gabimateus said...

You're very kind Ms. Lawson, thank you!

Suchitoto is a beautiful small town, about 47 km North of San Salvador. It has survived the civil war and various natural disasters.

When I took this picture, I think it was around 5ish, and what called my attention is that most of the buildings were black and white, there was no one in the streets and it was almost like I was walking through an abondoned town.

If you ever visit El Salvador, you HAVE TO go to Suchitoto.

I hope you enjoy the pictures that are to come.